This week we again have a more familiar puzzle type, namely Renban Sudoku. It took a few tries to get this one right again. It is too easy to run into no solutions if you don't pay attention. I think it's a nice puzzle, although I generally prefer my more puzzly Sudokus, where the extra rule pushes the solve more. I think people who are more into Sudoku will enjoy these better. I think they more enjoy solving the Sudoku like deductions than trying to figure out how I managed to use a trickier rule. I doubt this Sudoku should cause too much trouble to the best solvers and is again on the easier side.
Recap of the last Daily League week:
Sunday: Greater Than Sudoku by Seungjae Kwak
Monday: Cross Number Sudoku by Benz Liang
Tuesday: Thermo Killer Sudoku by Prasanna Seshadri
Wednesday: Quad Max Sudoku by Bastien Vial-Jaime
Thursday: Anti-Knight Sudoku by Jakub Hrazdira
Friday: Classic Sudoku by Tom Collyer
Daily League PDF:
Week 19
Rules for Sudoku
In this Sudoku each area of connected grey cells must contain a set of consecutive digits. The digits don't have to be in order.
Saturday, 8 June 2013
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Daily League Sudoku #18: Factory Killer Sudoku
This week's puzzle is again harder. Especially the opening is tricky. It really helps to understand some of the implications. I don't think I've seen this variant before, but one can never be sure.
I've been planning on writing a Killer Sudoku variant for a while, but it never came of it. Either because other people had a Killer Sudoku or that my attempts failed and I eventually switched to another Sudoku type. This puzzle took me about 3 hours to get right. I could have made it easier, but I really liked the 2-4-6-8 grouping in the middle nonets, but that led to some uniqueness issues for a while. I wasn't sure if I could get the 2 nonet to work, but it eventually fell nicely. It's tricky, but I think it has a nice solution path. Enjoy.
Recap of the last Daily League week:
Sunday: FINDoku by Seungjae Kwak
Monday: Thermometer Sudoku by Fred Stalder
Tuesday: Outside-Consecutive Sudoku by Prasanna Seshadri
Wednesday: Argyle Sudoku by Bastien Vial-Jaime
Thursday: Even Queens Sudoku by Jakub Hrazdira
Friday: Number 5 Is Not Alive Sudoku by Tom Collyer
In this Sudoku there are a number of dashes cages. A number in a dashed cage indicates a factor of the sum of the digits in its cage. Digits can't repeat within a cage.