
Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Puzzle #36: Island

Rules for Island

I've been busy the last few days and haven't had time to really construct something for this blog. Here's another Island puzzle. I haven't had any comments really on the type. I still enjoy constructing them, so they'll most like keep appearing. For this pattern the number 5 seemed a good number to orient the design around.


  1. I'm interested by the puzzle type, but I find the puzzles really hard at the moment. For example, I stared at this one for a while without finding a place to start.

  2. The ones I've designed so far rely heavily on connectivity. This one has 2 clear dead ends and no possibility for forking. I hope this helps.

    You could also try these:

  3. I eventually got through with these hints. I also solved Naoki Inaba's set (thanks for the link) -- I hope I'll do better on the next one.

  4. this one relies heavily on connectivity,but i only could build two major isolated parts,one predominantly in the upper half .Finding a link to finish it is tedious. The two 2s are annoying here.Any walkthrough?

  5. I'm not sure what you mean by annoying. Without them the logic is gone.
