
Sunday, 25 November 2018

World Puzzle Championship Puzzles - Round 12

The last set of puzzles are from round 12. This was the innovative round. There were a few types in there that were interesting to write. My favourite two types were Inner ABC and Coral with Letters. I think those are also the nicest puzzles in this set. One rule that popped up a lot in this championship was the "Worms" rule of alternating higher and lower digits within a path of numbers. It's probably not a rule that will be used much in the future. It didn't really strike me as a rule that added much to any of the puzzles.

12-1/2/3 ABC Letter Groups

Place letters A,B,C, D or A,B,C,D,E in the grid (no more than 1 letter per cell) so that each letter appears exactly once in each row and column. Some cells can remain empty according to grid size. Groups of letters on top and on the left indicate the order in which the letters appear in the given row or column (not necessarily next to each other).

12-4 Stalagtites and Stalagmites

Place numbers from 1-7 in the grid so that each digit appears exactly once in each row and each column. The hints around the grid denote all the increasing or decreasing sequences longer than 2 in the given row/column in the correct order. The sequence is increasing from the tip of the sign.

12-5 Mirror Labyrinth

Insert numbers 1-4 and two different diagonal mirrors exactly once in each row and column. The hints around the grid indicate how the light travels through the mirror labyrinth. The same letters indicate the entrance and exit of the beam. The number is equal to the sum of numbers encountered on the way through the labyrinth. If the beam passes twice through the same number, this number is calculated twice.

12-6 Coral with Letters

Blacken some of the cells in the grid to create a coral. All black cells in the coral must be orthogonally connected. There must be no 2x2 squares of black cells. And all white cells must be connected to the edge of the grid. Then place letters A,B,C in the painted cells so that each letter appears exactly once in each row and column.The hints around the grid show all the letters that can be found on the first coral segment from the given side, in correct order (from top to bottom resp. from left to right).Dash means there is no letter on the first segment.

12-7/8 Inner ABC

Place letters A, B, C in the white cells in the grid, so that in every row and every column every letter occurs exactly once (not counting the letters in grey cells); in every row and every column some cells remain empty. The letters in gray cells indicate only the letters that are visible from the given cell both horizontally and vertically. You can see only the first letter in each of the 4 directions. Gray cells are considered invisible.

12-9 ILX

Place letters I, L and X in the grid (maximum one letter per cell) so that each letter appears exactly ones in each row and column. Then draw a single closed loop travelling vertically and horizontally between centers of the adjacent cells. The loop cannot visit painted cells and the cells containing letter X and has to visit all the other cells exactly ones. The loop has to make right turn in cells with letter L and has to go straight in cells with letters I. The hints around the grid show the order in which the letters appear in the given row and column (from left to right resp. top to bottom). To score the point you have to both draw the loop and place the letters in the grid.

12-10/11 Point To Numbers

Place numbers 1-4 in the grid so that each number appears exactly once in each row and column. Some cells will remain empty. If there is an arrow pointing from the cell, it means that the number of digits in this direction corresponds to the number in the cell. Not all possible arrows are given.

12-12 Single Block

Place numbers from 1-6 in the grid so that each numbers appears exactly once in every row, column and main diagonal (one cell remaining empty). The numbers around the grid show the sum of all the numbers before the empty cell from the given direction in the given row, column or main diagonal.

12-14/15 Worms

Place numbers from 1-7 in all the empty cells in the grid so that the numbers do not repeat in any outlined region and along the four grey lines. The numbers in each region must follow the worm rule of alternating higher and lower values. The same numbers may not touch each other not even diagonally.

12-16/17 Labyrinth

Place numbers from 1-7 in all the cells in the grid so that the numbers do not repeat in any row and
column. Then draw a closed loop that travels horizontally and vertically between the centers of adjacent cells and visits every cell exactly once. The numbers along the loop must follow the worm rule of alternating higher and lower values. The numbers on the left show the sums of the numbers on the loop segments in the given row (in the correct order). You only need to fill the numbers to score the points.

12-18/19/20 Labyrinth with Obstacles

Paint 5 cells to create obstacles in the grid. Maximum one obstacle in each row and column is allowed. Place numbers from 1-7 in all the remaining cells in the grid so that the numbers do not repeat in any row and column. Then draw a closed loop that travels horizontally and vertically between the centers of adjacent cells and visits every cell not occupied by obstacle exactly once. The numbers along the loop must follow the worm rule of alternating higher and lower values. The numbers on the left show the sums of the numbers on the loop segments in the given row (in the correct order). You only need to fill the numbers to score the points.


  1. Again, nice set of puzzles, I like Inner ABC and Coral with Letters. But i got stuck with Labyrinth, becuase I´m getting into conflict. Is puzzle OK?

  2. This puzzle is amazing..!! Looking forward for new puzzle..!! ALos, you can have Personalized Puzzles at Custom Puzzles

  3. I too am getting a contradiction in the 12-16/17 sample.

    The 4 clue in R1 must be 1 and 3 in some order, so by nature of the loop, the 6 of R2 must be one digit and greater than its (two) neighbors. This sets up a parity restriction for the rest of the grid. Meanwhile, R6 must have the three sums as pairs of digits, which can only be 27/14/56. But the aforementioned parity restriction means that the 6 in R6 is in the same column as the 6 in R2.

  4. Nice set of will take time...
