
Friday, 9 December 2011

Puzzle #70: Tapa; Double Back

This is a new Tapa variation as far as I'm aware of. I had tried this idea before, but had trouble getting it to work. I now tried to it again and now understand how to make it work. I think the idea works very nciely now and brings some different logic to Tapa.
As the name suggest it has a similar idea as Double Back, but then in the Tapa format. The Tapa has to visit every region twice. Hope you enjoy it.

Rules for Tapa

Standard Tapa rules. Additionally, the Tapa has to visit every black bordered region exactly twice.


  1. Actually, I dont really like the difficult puzzle combinations. This one is border-line case for me.
    Eventually this is a relatively nice puzzle, I like the consideration how can I form 2 separated part within a region.

  2. This was solvable,with a soft opening in the top-left.I didnt like the idea of comparing this to double back.This is just a tapa with two blocks in every room.

  3. Good puzzle. Mixed feelings about the title; "Double Back" suggests a form of journey, when the aim here is to build a wall. But it makes for some good logic.

    (Totally off-topic, but do you have any idea why OpenID is rejecting LiveJournal credentials?)

  4. If it were,you couldnt have posted here with your LJ id.

  5. I didn't. I used Name/URL with my LJ as the URL. This time, I've chosen not to use any URL.

  6. I've said before I'm not too good at thinking of names. I just named it double back as I got the idea through the double back genre.

  7. I don't know anything about open ID. I didn't get any messages of it not working properly.
